onsdag 22 maj 2013

The supreme court pedophiles in Stockholm

Nya landsförrädare i Högsta domstolen - Martin Borgeke och Johnny Herre

Martin Borgeke, född 1949

Ledamot av domstolen sedan 2011

Juris kandidatexamen 1975
Juris hedersdoktor vid Uppsala universitet 2009
Tingstjänstgöring 1975-1978
Fiskal i Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge 1978
Assessor i samma hovrätt 1986
Rättssakkunnig i Justitiedepartementet 1990-1992
Rådman vid Malmö tingsrätt 1992-1995
Hovrättsråd, tillika vice ordförande på avdelning, i Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge 1995-1998
Hovrättslagman i samma hovrätt 1998-2011

Offentliga utredningsuppdrag

Biträdande sekreterare och sekreterare i Fängelsestraffkommittén 1979-1988
Expert i Ungdomsbrottskommittén 1991-1993
Sekreterare och sakkunnig i Straffsystemkommittén 1992-1995
Särskild utredare i Straffansvarsutredningen 1994-1996
Ordförande i Kommittén om straffansvar för organiserad brottslighet, m.m. 1998-2000
Expert i Psykiatrilagsutredningen sedan 2009

Andra uppdrag

Vice auditör vid Södra skånska regementet
Ordförande i Alfred Österlunds stiftelse (för medicinsk forskning)

Johnny Herre, född 1963

Ledamot av domstolen sedan 2010

Juris kandidatexamen 1988 vid Stockholms universitet
Civilekonomexamen 1988 vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
Juris doktorsexamen vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 1996
Docent i rättsvetenskap vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 1996
Professor i rättsvetenskap vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 1999-2010
Prefekt, Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 1999-2003

Andra uppdrag

Styrelseledamot i Stiftelsen Juridiska biblioteket
Ordförande i den svenska referensgruppen för handelsrätt i ICC
Styrelseledamot i Swedish Arbitration Association
Ledamot av Commission of European Contract Law (Lando-kommissionen)

Fascist-pedofilerna vid Högsta domstolen - The supreme court pedophiles in Stockholm

Smutsiga vidriga kriminella svin som begår grova brott mot svenska folket för att mörka fascist-pedofil-organisationen "Regeringen". Lägg märke till att högsta domstolens pedofiler med fascist-pedofilen Marianne Lundius Gernandt i spetsen har slutat att lägga ut bilder på sig själva på HD:s hemsida pga att pedofilerna vet att dem är pedofiler och bilderna visar det tydligt (med vår hjälp).

Dirty disgusting criminal pigs who commit serious crimes against the Swedish people to dark fascist pedophile organization "government". Note that the Supreme Court pedophiles with fascist pedophile Marianne Lundius Gernandt the head has stopped posting pictures of themselves on HD's website because pedophiles know that they are pedophiles and the pictures show it clearly (with our help).

söndag 19 maj 2013

Journalist JOSE LUIS BELMAR vs. The Criminals Claes Jernaeus/Svante Liljegren Working for Swedish Fascist Governent

Från:JOSE LUIS BELMAR (belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com) 
Skickat:den 19 maj 2013 21:49:54
Till:Svante Liljegren (svante.liljegren@gov.se)
Kopia: claes.jernaeus@gov.se (claes.jernaeus@gov.se); Claes Jernaeus (claes.jernaeus@foreign.ministry.se)
Den 19 maj 2013

Bäste Hr. Liljegren!

Svaret är komiskt! Du skickar frågan till rättssekretariatet,
och Jose Luis Belmar måste fråga rättssekretariatet vad
hände med din fråga? Är du en seriös tjänsteman inom
Katten på råttan... eller hur? 

Med mera vänliga hälsningar

José Luis Belmar

 Dear Hr. Liljegren!

The answer is comical! You send the matter to the Legal,
and Jose Luis Belmar must ask what right Secretariat
happened to your question? Are you a serious official in
The cat on the rat ... right?

With more Sincerely

José Luis Belmar

From: svante.liljegren@gov.se
To: belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com
CC: claes.jernaeus@gov.se
Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 17:36:44 +0000

Det vet jag inte. Du bör vända dig till Rättssekretariatet i UD, som behandlar din förfrågan. 

Med vänlig hälsning,
Svante Liljegren
I do not know. You should contact the Legal Secretariat in the Ministry, which will process your request.
svante Liljegren

19 maj 2013 kl. 19:16 skrev "JOSE LUIS BELMAR" <belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com>:

Den 19 maj 2013

Bäste Hr. Liljegren!

Hur många dagar måste jag vänta till UD:s rättsekretariat hanterar ärende?

Kom ihåg: Vilket typ av säkerhetsrisk representerar en 82 år gammal och
mycket sjuk journalist för dig och för Claes Jernaeus?

Tiden rinner


José Luis Belmar

P.S. Jag kräver också att få veta vilken typ av säkerhetsrisk
jag utgör för Utrikesdepartementet., Regeringskansliet, Rosenbad,
UD:s Pressrumm, etc, etc, etc.

Skriftligt på Utrikesdepartementets
brevpapper, tack!

Dear Hr. Liljegren!

How many days must I wait to UD's right Secretariat manages matter?

Remember: Which type of security representing an 82 year old and
very sick journalist for you and Claes Jernaeus?

time is running


José Luis Belmar

P.S. I also demand to know what kind of security risk
I make up for the State Department., Government Offices, Rosenbadsgatan,
MFA Pressrumm, etc, etc, etc.

Written on the MFA
stationery, thank you!

From: svante.liljegren@gov.se
To: belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 10:40:42 +0000

José Luis Belmar,

Jag har vidarebefordrat ditt epostmeddelande från den 6 maj till UD:s rättssekretariat, som är den enhet i UD som hanterar en begäran om att få handlingar utlämnande. Det är den vanliga rutinen i den här typen av önskemål.


Svante Liljegren

José Luis Belmar,

I have forwarded your e-mail message from May 6 to UD's right Secretariat, which is the unit in the Ministry, which handles a request for disclosure documents. It is the usual routine in this type of request.


svante Liljegren

Head of UD SÄK

Från: JOSE LUIS BELMAR [mailto:belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com]
Skickat: den 8 maj 2013 09:29
Till: Svante Liljegren
Kopia: Claes Jernaeus; Carl Bildt; reportrarutangranser@rsf.org

Den 8 maj 2013

Svante Liljegren!

Jag väntar fortfarande på ditt
skrifliga svar på UD:s brevpapper.

José Luis Belmar
Svante Liljegren!

I'm still waiting on your
skrifliga response to the Ministry's letterhead.

José Luis Belmar

From: belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com
To: svante.liljegren@gov.se
CC: claes.jernaeus@gov.se; carl.bildt@foreign.ministry.se
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 10:01:26 +0200

Den 6 maj 2013

Bäste Svante Liljegren!

Eftersom Claes Jernaeus har hänvisat mig
till Dig, ser jag fram emot att få ett skriftligt
svar från dig på UDs brevpapper så fort som

Tack för hjälpen

Med vänliga hälsningar

José Luis Belmar
En La Mira Noticias-Mexico
World News on Demand USA
Newsknockout Denmark

Dear Svante Liljegren!

As Claes Jernaeus have referred me
to you, I look forward to receiving a written
response from you on MFA's stationery as soon as

Thanks for the help


José Luis Belmar
En La Mira Noticias-Mexico
World News on Demand USA
News Knockout Denmark

From: claes.jernaeus@gov.se
To: belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com
CC: carl.bildt@gov.se
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 07:25:28 +0000
I detta ärende hänvisar vi till UD:s säkerhetschef, Svante Liljegren.


Claes Jernaeus
Director, International Press Centre
Visitor's address: Fredsgatan 6
+46-8-405 5792  cell:+46-708-66 83 79
www.ud.se       www.sweden.se

Från: JOSE LUIS BELMAR [mailto:belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com]
Skickat: den 5 maj 2013 19:30
Till: Claes Jernaeus; Claes Jernaeus
Kopia: Carl Bildt

Den 5 maj 2013

Bäste Claes Jernaeus!

I tillägg till mitt tidigare svar nedan, kräver
jag också att få veta vilken typ av säkerhetsrisk
jag utgör för Utrikesdepartementet.

Skriftligt på Utrikesdepartementets
brevpapper, tack!

José Luis Belmar

On May 5, 2013

Dear Claes Jernaeus!

In addition to my previous answer below, requires
I also get to know what kind of security risk
I make up for the State Department.

Written on the MFA
stationery, thank you!

José Luis Belmar

From: belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com
To: claes.jernaeus@gov.se
CC: corruptio1@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 15:15:25 +0200
Den 3 maj 2013

Bäste Claes!

Jag skulle vilja ha detta beslut skriftligt från dig på
Utrikesdepartementets brevpapper så fort som

Med vänliga hälsningar

José Luis Belmar
On May 3, 2013

Dear Claes!

I would like to have this decision in writing from you on
State Department stationery as soon as


José Luis Belmar

From: claes.jernaeus@gov.se
To: belmarjoseluis@hotmail.com
CC: reportrarutangranser@rsf.org
Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 09:20:38 +0000

Jose-Luis Belmar

Utrikesdepartementets säkerhetschef har idag beslutat att du inte kommer att släppas in i UD:s lokaler inkl UD:s Pressrum.

Claes Jernaeus

 Jose Luis Belmar

Foreign Ministry's security decided today that you will not be allowed into the Ministry's premises including the Foreign Ministry's Press Room.

Claes Jernaeus

Svante Liljegren

onsdag 15 maj 2013

Arrest the Swedish criminal Stefan Lindskog and his criminal boss Marianne Lundius

Swedish supreme court judge's lecture is criticized

A judge of the Supreme Court (HD) in Sweden held a lecture on the case Julian Assange of Australia. That a justiteråd ruling on a case that could end up in supreme court has faced criticism from Wikileaks in Australia and from Assange. The judge's actions can affect the public's view of the Swedish legal system, according to supreme court's chairman.

Since autumn 2010, is an ongoing investigation in Sweden, which is investigating whether Wikileaksgrundaren Julian Assange committed sexual offenses. Julian Assange, who avoids sent from Britain to Sweden by staying inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, says that the reason he did not want to go to Sweden is that he is afraid to Sweden to extradite him to the United States.

During a holiday in Julian Assange's native Australia has Counsellor Stefan Lindskog, held a lecture on the legal aspects surrounding the investigation of sex crimes and the legal aspects that would record whether the United States would seek Assange's extradition from Sweden.

 An excerpt from the preferred, held at the University of Adelaide, has also been published in the Australian Financial Review newspaper. Stefan Lindskog writing including "It's funny how the Assange case shows potential for sharp turns when it comes to the topics discussed. From one hand, the lies about condoms can be a sex crime to, on the other hand, the question about telling the truth by publishing classified information may constitute a breach allowing extradition to the state that considers itself injured. "

Judicial Council's actions have received Counsel Greg Barns, who is the spokesperson for the organization Australian Lawyers Association and who runs the campaign for Julian Assange elected to the Australian Senate, to react.

- That a Swedish justices believe that it is acceptable tends to confirm concerns people feel about fairness and stability in the Swedish legal system. It provides great wrong to think that Assange's case has become highly politicized in Sweden, he tells the Sydney Morning Herald.

Greg Barns also calls Australia's chief prosecutor to review the case with the Swedish Chief Prosecutor.

Also Julian Assange is critical to Stefan Lindskog's actions.

 - The development is part of a pattern in which high-ranking Swedes, including the Swedish Foreign Minister, Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, all have attacked me or Wikileaks publicly says Wikileaksgrundaren according to the Sydney Morning Herald at Fairfax Media.

In an email to the Svenska Dagbladet writes Stefan Lindskog that there is no impediment to supreme court judge at the level of principle discusses legal issues "that are or may be sub judice."

Stefan Lindskog also points out that he, if he would be well favored in a case involving Assange, has the opportunity to resign if he thinks something makes him unfit to hear the case.

 Neither the Supreme Court president Marianne Lundius sees Stefan Lindskog's lecture and article as something that can affect any court cases relating to Assange ever get there. However, she believes that the Justice Council involvement can affect the image of the Swedish legal system.

- In this case, it may be perceived as more sensitive because it is tied to Assange, and that there is still an arrest warrant against him. It is very important that there is confidence in the Court, said Marianne Lundius.

Assange is not charged with any crime in Sweden. For the case to be disposed of in supreme court prosecution must first prosecute, then the case must go through both the District Court and the Court of Appeal before either party has the opportunity to appeal in HD. In that case, it is primarily a matter of the case at all to be addressed in supreme court, because the court only takes up the cases sentenced a precedent.

All extradition cases to the Supreme Court, if the person whose extradition is requested objects. But the U.S. has not prosecuted Assange with any crime, nor tried to get him extradited.

After a lengthy process decided the highest court in the UK in late May last year that Assange be handed over to Sweden for the inquiry to continue. However, he has not been brought to Sweden because he was then in June is in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Assange has been granted political asylum in Ecuador.